In this Home we are real
We make mistakes
We give second chances
We have fun
We say I'm sorry, we forgive
We give hugs
We are patient
We love
Because We are Family
Mom of 6 kids, Islamic Parenting, Homeschooling, Love Simply Cook, Halal Lifestyle, Amateur Traveler and Photographer
Nice (y)
BalasHapusAssalamu'alaikum, aku terkesima pertama kali ke sini, hihi.
BalasHapusApalagi lagi cari banyak referensi ttg homeschooling. Anakku sih sementara baru satu, insyaAlloh tahun depan jadi dua. Aku puyeng dengan pendidikan saat ini. Pengen homeschooling anak2ku. Mungkin ada tipsnya?
totally agree, it is what family should be defined.
BalasHapusmak irul sy follow ya blognya.
sy selalu terkagum2 dg orangtua yg menjalankan pendidkan HS utk anak-2nya. luar biasa, 6 orang pula... hebat mak!
Love the photo! So touchy and you got the moment mak :)...can't agree more with your sweet poem :)